As 2010 is now behind us, I look forward to leaving the old behind and creating the new. New Years wishes are not just wishes and hopes for fate to fall our way. Many wait for good things to happen to them and when something "bad" happens they feel like they have bad luck or are a victim. Whether or not we have a Happy New Year or not depends on who we are and who we want to become.
We do not have control over what happens to us. We can however, choose how we respond. We have a choice to reject acting out of fear or anger. Reaction is based upon survival. People get sick, people who we love die, failures occur, relationships are not always healthy. When we feel the emotions involved with these events, we feel angry, hurt, rejected, alienated, lonely, and unhappy. The truth is that no one is being punished. We are not unloved. We are actually being asked, "Who are you? What are you made of? Are you loving others in your life? Are you loving yourself? Are you taking care of yourself?
If there is someone in your life that is ill, have or can you reach out to them. What is your relationship to them like? What can you to make it better? Has someone in your life died or near death? Death is actually part of life. We want to push it away and defeat it. When it hurts us in some way we feel cheated. We feel lost. But we are not lost. Our loved one is not lost. We do however, need to find our way back to ourselves and who we are. Our loved one is still with us, though we may now need to depend upon ourselves now more without their direct input.
Likewise, if you have failed at something in your life, you are not a failure. You are not being punished. You have not reached your full level of strength yet, but you are getting stronger.
There are many steps to success. Take another step, gather your strength and resolve and move forward. If your relationship(s) are not fulfilling, again, you are being asked are you making it all you can? What has or hasn't happened in this relationship. Take a step to learn the lesson here. Find your truth in it and move forward to your happiness.
We are not here to be perfect but we are here to become more whole and happy. What steps can you take to be more whole and happy this year? Make it so.
With the LifeLine technique, I can guide you to find the answers you seek. The answers are within you, not me. Anything is possiblie, just take a chance, believe, and move forward. For a session, please do not hesitate to ask how a LifeLine can help you. Consultation is free.
With love and light,
Certified LifeLine Practitioner