Sunday, May 29, 2011

Your energy ball

We each give out energy. Our center is energy. The core of who we are. We are created as beings of pure love energy. As we grow the energy flows through us easily with love or it can become clouded, tainted and dense if we become filled with fear and "negativity". If we do not know how to release these emotions of fear and negativity they become part of who we are. We then project that energy out to others and our world. I am reflecting my life and energy outwards. You are reflecting your life and energy outwards as well.

The question is what are we each accepting and then choosing to reflect and project out. We may not even be aware of the beliefs and energies that we have taken on. The first step is to examine and question our current state of awareness. Our choices now poses several other questions. First, is whether you are reflecting the past, present or future? If you are reflecting your past, you are reliving part of your past and keeping much of your energy bogged down with what if's, I wish, or if only's. That is usually not positive energy, because if the past was positive you would be focusing your energy on the present or future. If your energy is being focused in the future, you are probably very busy and may have a combination of energies you work in and out of. So your energy may give out conflicting signals. If you are living for the future while not liking what you are doing you are probably unhappy. I am pretty confident that if you are choosing to live in either of these states, you are in fact unhappy? Why? Because you are not living in this moment, in your own power. You believe either that you have no choice and are stuck in the past or that you have to sacrifice yourself for the future, both prevent you from living in the present. Did you realize that you have another choice, which is to live in the present? If you are focused in the present, chances are you are well balanced and are sending out loving energy, because you are present in mind, body and spirit right now. You are probably calm, peaceful and happy.

The second consideration is if you are choosing to reflect from your inner self of who you are or are you mirroring from the beliefs of your family, culture or society? If you have been successful an balancing your emotional, spiritual and physical health, you are probably very confident, secure and living from your own sense of self. You would then be connected to your inner self and not preoccupied with what others think, want or reflect.

Third, what is your life's purpose and passion. What powers YOU? Do you own your power of self understanding and self love being connected to the world and universe in a harmonious and beneficial way. Have you found your place in the world? Are you choosing to reflect from your inner self of who you are deep in your core or are you mirroring from the beliefs of your family, culture or society? We often believe that we need this or that to be happy. We have been told that this is necessary or is demanded. Deep within each of us is the common truth? What should or do we need to do to survive or be productive? We may believe that we are unworthy, not confident, unable, or unsafe to be happy. We either live from limiting ourselves and not being true to our own spirit or we allow ourselves to be driven by our spirit. From this place we allow life to flow with ease. We are each born worthy, we are each born with potential and unlimited possibilities.

There is one truth that rings true with my soul. That truth is that everything is energy. We are energy, the same energy that we are created from. Inside each of us is a spark of light, our soul a part of the divine. Our bodies are uniquely designed to flow and grow. How our energy moves and grows is based upon the perceptions and beliefs that we have accepted as truth. But these perceptions and beliefs are not really truths. We are here to grow and learn. But many of us have been or are lost. We become lost in our stories, our pasts, our cultures, our limits, our dreams or our nightmares. We become lost in thoughts instead of living from our spirit within.

I'm gonna ask you to close your eyes and imagine yourself in a peaceful and serene area. You are happy and content. There is an abundance of beauty and nature in all its glory around you. Your heart is alive and joyful. You sense harmony. Birds are singing, trees are lush, flowers and plant and animal life thrive. Expand that feeling? Pay attention to what is around you. What time is it, what year is it., who is with you? What do you picture?

Everything you need is yours. What is this utopia that you are picturing?

For me it is harmony, communion with nature, people, animals and all plant life. There are loved ones and friends. I live on the land, planting and thriving with all life. I don't need things, or to be entertained, so to speak. I live with the spark of life of the Divine communicating to and through me. It is simple. It is freeing. It is joyful. It is love. There is no fear. There just is an infinite universe of love, harmony and existence. There is community, sharing, acceptance, love, compassion and peaceful interaction.

In this vision, everything is connected. Everything is part of the same energy. Reacting and responding to everything around it. The wind blows the tree branches sway. Everything has an effect to everything else. A push/pull but everything balances out.

Our lives are the same. We reflect out and affect others and our environment. A ripple effect is created. Hate produces anger, anger produces hate. When a different perception is accepted or we refuse to accept that energy because we realize it is untrue, the hate transforms. If you own your power, refuse to accept another's anger or hate you can remain in the present moment AND you can have an effect upon them, because at the very least they will wonder why you don't care about their anger or hate. They will feel your truth and energy. If you are feeling love and not hate, they will feel that love. They will then have the choice to accept that as their truth. It may take time, but Love produces love.

What is your life, the YOU that powers you. What is your significance? What is your connection to the world? What is it that brings you peace. What is your true inner knowing.

We each are unique and individual but we are not separate from the whole. We are still connected to all others and life. We are called to step into our own shoes so to speak, for maybe your choice is to go barefoot. Are you living your life according to your true purpose? In your connection to all other life, are you acting out of love and possibilities? We are each here to connect and interact with life. This journey is important. Each choice we make and everything around us has an impact on life. Whichever you choose, your choice does have an impact on others and your environment. What is your energy ball? How are you affecting others and life on this planet and universe?

With Infinite Love & Gratitude,