Here is where your real journey begins. By looking at the reality of your life. But what is reality and what is your perception? I'm sure you are like, "What?" Stay with me here. Your reality (perception) is how you have been choosing to look at the events and people in your life. The reality you have created is one of judgement. You judge, the fighting, errands, and interruptions as interferring with your peace, harmony and love. That perception is different from the reality of absolute truth.
Our perception of reality in this life as we have been traditionally taught begins when we begin our life in physical form. We become part of our environment, our family and the culture we are born into. Our subconscious and unconscious minds are in control of our body in our very earliest parts of our life. When our conscious mind, starts to take shape, we begin judging what we like or don't based on how we are feeling about what is happening around us. We start to learn patterns of belief and behavior based on what we are learning from our experiences and those around us. We mimick what we see. If what we see or experience is not desireable or we don't know how to cope with it our subconscious mind takes that experience and files it away. We deny the pain, but continue the behavior over and over without thinking about what we are doing. This pattern of denying our pain and fears is what you will be choosing to face. ALL CHANGE BEGINS WITH A CHOICE. A conscioius choice. What I am going to ask you to begin doing is to focus on your emotions and how you feel. Not your thoughts but your feelings.
Let's go back to finding peace, harmony and love in our daily life. Tell me how you feel. Don't tell me, I have a headache and this is not fun. Got that. The bottom line here, is that you are not feeling love, or loved. You are feeling stressed, used and anxious. You feel like harmony is on an island that you woud have to take a boat or plane to get to. Not true.
These feelings and events allow you the opportunity to see in a very real way that you are out of balance and that you need to bring balance back into your life.
I feel soooooo very blessed that I have met one of the most genuine and loving people on our planet. That is a very huge statement, I know. I am speaking of a person, a friend, a healer, who lives his life from his soul and spirit. He lives from Love, free from judgement. By studying and practiciing with many Dr.'s, masters, philosophers, shaman, he has tied many different truths and realities, practiced for centuries into one effective tool, the LifeLine Technique. That person is Dr. Darren Weissman, author of "Infininte Love & Gratitude." My life changed when I met him. I now see life differently. My belief systems have changed and I now understand much more about how life and our universe really works. As such, I became a certified LifeLine practitioner. Using LifeLine and Infinite Love and Gratitude, I can work with you to help you to acheive that balance. Your body mind and spirit work together in your life to create your life.
There is no way I can explain how this all works and why in this forum. In a treatment session, the experience that you have and what comes up for you is unique to you. There is no counseling or discussions of the situations or things in your life that are causing you to feel unbalanced and unloved. Those situations remain in your head. You will not ever tell me details. They are your story and stay so.
I'm going to start by giving you some new truths. I would like to invite you to purchase Dr.
Weissman's book. Go to his website (www.infinitelove& Even if you choose not to I can work with you to help teach you how to transform your life.
I also invite you to go to Dr. Masuri Emoto's work with water. With his scientifically proven experiments, he has shown how our intentions can effect water molecules. The results are dramatic and will help you understand the power of the words we use and the energy we put our to those we interact with. It also helps you to understand how others have affected you in your experiences.
I am speaking my truth to you. I am not speaking from my ego. My spirit is talking with you here. I am speaking to you out of love. A love that knows that we are part of the oneness of the universe, we are all connected. We are all created of the same energy, we are part of the same energy. We are many parts, but are of the same body. We are part of the same spirit.
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