Ever wonder why you seem to repeat the same mistakes over and over again? Is there a circumstance or emotional trigger that keeps setting you off? Are you tired of this cycle? Everytime, this happens, I react like this. Hmmm. I don't really want to react like that, so why do I? Why do I get angry when..... Why do I reach for food for comfort? Why does that weight that you have wanted to loose for twenty years still remain despite your desire to see yourself lighter? Why are you still carrying emotional pain and baggage that you just can't throw out the window? Well, do not think you are alone! That is life. And it happens because it is what we keep re-creating by not changing our focus. These are not easy lessons to learn. Mainly because we tend to resist change. And one thing is certain in life, What you resist persists. So let's work on changing our focus. Ready?
Sound wise? So why don't we forgive, forget, let go of pain, hurt, anger, weight, injustice? At face value it would appear easy. We would tell a friend, just let go of it, let's go have fun. Right. Move on. We might have a cup or glass of something with them and lift their spirits. We do this for a reason. Think about it for a minute about water. What are the qualities of water? It flows, it follows the path of least resistance. It feeds our root structure helping us grow and flourish. It is stored in our core organs. It maintains 98% of our body weight. We are water. We are meant to flow. Sometimes water is still and quiet, being reflective and mirroring what we are appearing to be. Our bodies do this on the inside as well. They reflect our health and wellbeing. If we are free flowing we are at ease and happy. If we are not free flowing and open, I would venture to say that we have become the judge or the victim.
This judge or victim persona is one that we learn. We are not born this way. We are born as a spirit of pure love. An innocent, happy, loving little baby. (We are not all born perfectly healthy or under perfect circumstances). That is because we are made of energy, and are formed from the levels of energy in our environments, and the level of vibration that we are mirroring back. (Not on a conscious level but on a subconscious level) We become a product of our environment and our ego begins to form.
Oh, I know of what I speak. Tongue in cheek. This is the story of our lives, our past. Over the last several months I have been on a journey. A dear friend of mine, recommended a book to me. I have a great affinity for books and their authors. They are friends and guides. I welcome them. The book I am referring to is "The Four Agreements". In it I found my past behaviors glaring at me as The JUDGE and VICTIM.
OMG, I created my life by being the judge and victim. Creating the circumstances of my current existence. This can be a hard pill to swallow, my friends, but we do it, every time we make a choice. We choose what we are and what we will become. You may be screaming, but this is not what I wanted. And I say to you, I know. Me neither. But it is what you created. That is what I created. And why did we create the very thing that we did not want? Stay with me here, okay. Because inside us, our true self, our soul, is light and love. And when we perceive something that is not in the vibration of light and love we reject it. When we reject it, we focus our attention on it and are thus holding it as part of our energy. And until we let it go it remains with us. It is our hurts, our fears, our judgments, or failures, our pain. Everytime we accuse another, blame another, or are angry or hateful to another we are holding those emotions in our energy field as part of us. Our subconscious mind, holds these emotions in different parts of our body, our very cells as trapped emotions. Until we release them, everytime they are triggered, we experience the emotion again as if for the first time. The subconscious does this because it loves you. It holds these things for you because you were not ready or able to deal with them. So thank you subconscious for this gift in VERY strange wrapping paper. But I no longer need you to hold it, I WANT to change. And change is a choice.
Focusing on love, health. acceptance and compassion are great habits to begin forming. That will start changing your vibration and reality.
I would like to point out here that our conscious mind is only 2-10 percent of our mind. So just consciousness alone will not get the results you want. You need balance not only in your mind, but also in body and spirit. And you need to work at releasing that which you are holding to.
I sincerely encourage you to try a Lifeline session. I will work with you to adjust fees, if that is an issue. This will change your life. Attract abundance, health, and happiness to you.
This is not about money. I want to enable you to live your best life. I want harmony, peace and unity. It all starts within each one of us.
With infinite love and gratitude!