Some truths are right in front of us, yet we do may still not see them. We appear to be blinded by our perspective which seems to repeat itself over and over. Just like the math problem that we redo over and over, getting the same result but the wrong answer. Life can be that way too.
We may be aware that something is not right. The first impulse is to look at others in our life or environment and point a finger of blame. We resist our perceived reality, because it is not what we consciously desire. We want to run from it, hide from it, or escape it.
This truth may appear to have many faces: obesity, addiction, lonliness, depression, grief, unhappiness with relationship(s) or job/career. But those are really masks. What is behind the mask is the real truth. You believe the mask is real. And become a victim of what it appears to show you.
Often we try to deny or change who we are to fit the situation or emotion that we are feeling. We want an easy answer, a magic pill. We believe that if we "tough it out" things will get better or improve. We believe that it is happening to us from the outside. We do not want to take responsibility for the choices that we have made or not made to get us to this point. Now we realize where we are and cry out for injustice. We may often believe that something is wrong with us and may begin a cycle of self abuse that makes us feel even worse.
Consider, for a moment, what would it be like to honor those emotions and truths that are being revealed to you. Could it be that they are a gift from yourself to awaken you to what you are denying within yourself; that you are loveable, powerful, and beautiful. Have you been afraid to allow yourself to be that worthy of love, purpose and power? The truth or reality is yours to accept. Not as a declaration of future but of past and present moment. Name it. What is it for you?
Now, how does that make you feel about yourself? What is it telling you that has or has not happened to bring you to this present truth? You have already agreed that you do not want this as truth. I'll pick the first one on the list. Obesity. You think obesity is your truth because that is what you see. But that is only the veil, hiding the truth behind what the obesity is here to teach you. Your truth is not obesity, it is the pattern of behavior that you have been hiding behind to prevent you to become the happy confident person you are meant to be. What are you afraid of? What is it that you choose to deny or fail to pursue? What is your passion? How would you create the ideal you? What is holding you back from beginning that journey?
Your real truth is your spirit waiting for you to answer the call to be happy, fulfilled and full of life. When you are not in this state of bliss, you are given false realities to help you reclaim and discover who you really are, a spirit of pure love and light.
Do you want to move into the present moment to let go of your past, honor all that has brought you to this space and move forward to a better more empowered and happier you? Can you imagine?
I challenge you to honor yourself to face the parts if you and your life that you judge and do not like. What is the real truth behind what they are presenting you with?
I would be honored to work with you and guide you through this journey. As a Certified LifeLine Practitioner, I can help you get in touch with your desires. It is my calling to nurture and love. It is my purpose to learn to honor, love and walk as one with all, creating balance and harmony.
Certified LifeLine Practitioner