Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Stress Relief

We all have times we are overloaded with stress. We need a quick way to transmute our feelings to get through the moment. That is what I want to share with you today. The stress will still need to be faced and the root causes revealed, however when it is a 10 out of 10, you can do one of the following!

I think my favorite way is visualization.

Close your eyes and envision a bridge in front of you. On the other side of the bridge is where you want to be. The land of_____. It might be peaceful, happy, relaxed... What ever it is, it is NOT Stress. In might be in control, in charge, confident, powerful. See what you want to be on the other side of that bridge. Give it color, focus, zoom in, what do you see, what do you feel. Now step on that bridge. Keep your focus on the other side. Allow yourself to become a part of the other side. Take another step. Feel yourself changing. Feel the emotions shift. With each step, you feel more enabled and happier. As you reach the top of the bridge, look down and across the view on the other side. You can see it all now. Your awareness of it is vivid and you are feeling your excitement build as you realize you are always in control and can choose to release stress in any form and let things be as they are. You do not need to hold it, move through and allow yourself to look back on the other side of the bridge. Where you came from, it is behind you, a part of your past. You now choose what path you are going to take to be in the Land of I am____. Walk or run across the remainder of the bridge, allowing yourself to feel your feet hit the ground on the other side. Become part of the environment there. You have envisioned it. Now create it!

Another way I find very helpful is to ground yourself.

Take a deep breath in. As you breathe out, allow the stress you are holding to go down to the earth. Let it go through the topsoil, through the clay, through the rock, through the water, to the core of the earth. The earth will transform and purify it. The earth will filter and take out all stress and return to you her constant love and nurturing. Keep breathing in and out feeling calmer and more loved with each breath. All is well, all is good. Let the breath continue to flow. You can also view yourself with water pouring over you, washing away the stress and cleansing you, leaving you refreshed and revitalized. As you breath in again, allow yourself to let to of the stress, feel yourself relaxing. You have the newness of a flower opening up with the sunshine enveloping it. Keep doing this until you really feel the energy of being refreshed.

With infinite Love and Gratitude to you!

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Your energy ball

We each give out energy. Our center is energy. The core of who we are. We are created as beings of pure love energy. As we grow the energy flows through us easily with love or it can become clouded, tainted and dense if we become filled with fear and "negativity". If we do not know how to release these emotions of fear and negativity they become part of who we are. We then project that energy out to others and our world. I am reflecting my life and energy outwards. You are reflecting your life and energy outwards as well.

The question is what are we each accepting and then choosing to reflect and project out. We may not even be aware of the beliefs and energies that we have taken on. The first step is to examine and question our current state of awareness. Our choices now poses several other questions. First, is whether you are reflecting the past, present or future? If you are reflecting your past, you are reliving part of your past and keeping much of your energy bogged down with what if's, I wish, or if only's. That is usually not positive energy, because if the past was positive you would be focusing your energy on the present or future. If your energy is being focused in the future, you are probably very busy and may have a combination of energies you work in and out of. So your energy may give out conflicting signals. If you are living for the future while not liking what you are doing you are probably unhappy. I am pretty confident that if you are choosing to live in either of these states, you are in fact unhappy? Why? Because you are not living in this moment, in your own power. You believe either that you have no choice and are stuck in the past or that you have to sacrifice yourself for the future, both prevent you from living in the present. Did you realize that you have another choice, which is to live in the present? If you are focused in the present, chances are you are well balanced and are sending out loving energy, because you are present in mind, body and spirit right now. You are probably calm, peaceful and happy.

The second consideration is if you are choosing to reflect from your inner self of who you are or are you mirroring from the beliefs of your family, culture or society? If you have been successful an balancing your emotional, spiritual and physical health, you are probably very confident, secure and living from your own sense of self. You would then be connected to your inner self and not preoccupied with what others think, want or reflect.

Third, what is your life's purpose and passion. What powers YOU? Do you own your power of self understanding and self love being connected to the world and universe in a harmonious and beneficial way. Have you found your place in the world? Are you choosing to reflect from your inner self of who you are deep in your core or are you mirroring from the beliefs of your family, culture or society? We often believe that we need this or that to be happy. We have been told that this is necessary or is demanded. Deep within each of us is the common truth? What should or do we need to do to survive or be productive? We may believe that we are unworthy, not confident, unable, or unsafe to be happy. We either live from limiting ourselves and not being true to our own spirit or we allow ourselves to be driven by our spirit. From this place we allow life to flow with ease. We are each born worthy, we are each born with potential and unlimited possibilities.

There is one truth that rings true with my soul. That truth is that everything is energy. We are energy, the same energy that we are created from. Inside each of us is a spark of light, our soul a part of the divine. Our bodies are uniquely designed to flow and grow. How our energy moves and grows is based upon the perceptions and beliefs that we have accepted as truth. But these perceptions and beliefs are not really truths. We are here to grow and learn. But many of us have been or are lost. We become lost in our stories, our pasts, our cultures, our limits, our dreams or our nightmares. We become lost in thoughts instead of living from our spirit within.

I'm gonna ask you to close your eyes and imagine yourself in a peaceful and serene area. You are happy and content. There is an abundance of beauty and nature in all its glory around you. Your heart is alive and joyful. You sense harmony. Birds are singing, trees are lush, flowers and plant and animal life thrive. Expand that feeling? Pay attention to what is around you. What time is it, what year is it., who is with you? What do you picture?

Everything you need is yours. What is this utopia that you are picturing?

For me it is harmony, communion with nature, people, animals and all plant life. There are loved ones and friends. I live on the land, planting and thriving with all life. I don't need things, or to be entertained, so to speak. I live with the spark of life of the Divine communicating to and through me. It is simple. It is freeing. It is joyful. It is love. There is no fear. There just is an infinite universe of love, harmony and existence. There is community, sharing, acceptance, love, compassion and peaceful interaction.

In this vision, everything is connected. Everything is part of the same energy. Reacting and responding to everything around it. The wind blows the tree branches sway. Everything has an effect to everything else. A push/pull but everything balances out.

Our lives are the same. We reflect out and affect others and our environment. A ripple effect is created. Hate produces anger, anger produces hate. When a different perception is accepted or we refuse to accept that energy because we realize it is untrue, the hate transforms. If you own your power, refuse to accept another's anger or hate you can remain in the present moment AND you can have an effect upon them, because at the very least they will wonder why you don't care about their anger or hate. They will feel your truth and energy. If you are feeling love and not hate, they will feel that love. They will then have the choice to accept that as their truth. It may take time, but Love produces love.

What is your life, the YOU that powers you. What is your significance? What is your connection to the world? What is it that brings you peace. What is your true inner knowing.

We each are unique and individual but we are not separate from the whole. We are still connected to all others and life. We are called to step into our own shoes so to speak, for maybe your choice is to go barefoot. Are you living your life according to your true purpose? In your connection to all other life, are you acting out of love and possibilities? We are each here to connect and interact with life. This journey is important. Each choice we make and everything around us has an impact on life. Whichever you choose, your choice does have an impact on others and your environment. What is your energy ball? How are you affecting others and life on this planet and universe?

With Infinite Love & Gratitude,

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Firing the Judge and jury.

Who is the judge and who are the jury members?

Each of us begins as a free spirit. We feel, we hunger and thirst, we see and we want.

Then we learn. We learn from others around us. Don Miguel Ruiz calls it domestication. Most of us become very adept at it. We accept what others tell us when we are young and believe it too. At first our parents appear as the judges. We conform to their rules and beliefs and behaviors. Then we become our own judges. We have learned "right" from "wrong" and we even judge some of what we were taught as "correct" or not by our agreements.

There is a great problem here. As young children, we also are thirsty for love and attention. Our parents are our first authority. (Note: I am not talking about teenagers here. They have already begun the transition of becoming their own judges.) But before then, We believe that we have to earn it. When we are told no, or that we have done something wrong or bad, we may come to believe that it is us who are wrong or bad. We also pick up many incorrect messages and internalize them as our truth. We may start to believe we are not good enough. Our self confidence may be wounded and we weave a reality about ourselves and our lives that are a false identity. They are total lies. But they become our vision of reality. We begin to see limitations, faults, doubt in ourselves. We believe the lies of society. We are not pretty enough, smart enough, good enough. How many of us were told to shut up or go away, never you mind, it's none of your business, etc. There were very likely gentler ways to communicate what they meant. The real problem is that what we heard is: your opinion does not count, I do not want to hear or see you, you are not good enough or valued enough to be included.

The real truth is that we are good enough. We are smart enough, pretty enough, valuable, talented, worthy and lovable.

The people and environments in our lives may not have been able to communicate that to us, we may not have felt it and we certainly may not have been able to dig deep within ourselves to say or shout:


The GOOD news here is that right here and now, no matter you age, you can release all that negative self talk and old beliefs that held you back. Fire that judge and jury that have kept you limited. Choose to live in love that you were born to live and release the fear and all negativity.

It is your time to shine. It is you time to begin a new journey of awakening. The journey to empowerment of yourself and living your purpose and reaching your heart's desire.

Are you ready?

In the quiet of the night, in the calm of the day remember who you are. We each write our own life path. We each have our vision and choices. Can you choose to pull your energy and truth to yourself and be true to yourself? Can you create a new life free of the opinions or judgments of others.

Can you say each and every day:


Peace and love,
With Infinite Love and Gratitude,

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Living passionately

I accept this life on earth.

What is your first reaction to this statement?
Do you say, "yes, absolutely" or do you feel twinges or resistance, anger or resentment?

How we internalize and flow with life determines how we will respond. We CAN change our response. If our past belief has been that we have had no choice in our reaction to life, then that belief keeps us from happiness and peace. It is so easy to resist parts of our life or past that are unpleasant. The voice in our head can play like a scratched record album, "If only....., If only....., If only...., my life would be different. I would be happy."

Well, everyone has their "story". The difference is whether or not we flow with life and accept all that is or whether we choose to resist and refuse life as it is. We all know of people who have tragic life stories and never give up. They persevere and end up happy and prosperous. We also know of people who have had tragic life stories that envelope them like a steel tomb that leaves them depressed and empty. They give up hope and resist life. They see themselves as victims, martyrs not as strong invincible warriors. What is the difference between these two groups of people. Which have you been? Which one do you want to be?

Think back to a time in grade school or junior high when you were introduced to competing against others. Did you feel confident in yourself? Or did you perceive others as more confident or better than you? Did you think, they will get it, they are more popular than me? Did you think, I can do anything I want. What exactly is it that makes some people "popular"? Does that make them happy? Were you or they just trying to fit in by being what others wanted them to be? Do they also feel they are not as good and have the same fears?

Regardless of what answers you gave to the above questions, the difference is whether there was balance in their life.

If you are creative and energetic, people want to be with you. Your fire element is strong and you consume and create life. If you are grounded and believe that your needs will be met regardless of circumstances, you will not judge your view of yourself upon the circumstances in life. Your earth element is nurturing and sustaining. If you are able to discern when to be strong and when to be flexible, you can easily transform and deflect what happens in life. Then your metal element is malleable allowing you to deflect and not own what is not yours and to flow through events easily. Again perceived by others as strength and positive either way. If it is your habit to take the path of least resistance, you will flow with the river of life and will not keep the unwanted judged "dirt" of life in your mind or body. Your water element will be bubbly, alive, flowing and again, healthy. The wood element is one of the strongest elements which represent our balance. When you are strongly rooted in life believe in yourself, you stand proud and tall like an oak, redwood, willow, or any tree by getting stronger with each passing storm. You will flourish and reach out to others sharing and giving. A healthy wood element is thriving and empowering. Breathe in a deep breath of fresh clean air. The air element with you allows you breathe in the breath of life that comes from the ultimate source of unconditional love and creation. That breath enables each of us to love others. Our actions will represent a spirit of wholeness and love that comes in with each breath. This wholeness, this spark of light that is deep within us is that which keeps us alive. The more we use it the more it radiates and shines for all to see.

The good news is that no matter where you are right now you have it within you to attain that balance. No one can do it for you. Each of us stands alone, as a flickering candle, we can gain strength and resonance when we join with others. Focus on your heart and soul. See a brilliant light shining deep within you. As you breathe in and out see that light getting brighter and brighter. See yourself as accepting and loving life. See yourself as creative and passionate about life. See yourself as grounded and accepting of life on this beautiful planet. See yourself and flexible able to stand strong or bend like the branches of a tree blowing in the wind. See yourself as water flowing gently through life following the path of least resistance or powerfully strong when the need arises to maintain balance. See yourself and a mighty oak deeply rooted in life, strong and loving reaching out to the sky and all other life basking in the beauty of life. See yourself as a spirit of pure love, loving yourself and others free of judgment and divinely inspired and connected to the source of all that is.

I accept this life on earth. I love my life. I love myself.
I accept this life on earth. I love my life. I love myself.
I accept this life on earth. I love my life. I love myself.

Blessings my friends.
Shine brightly. Breathe deeply. Love unconditionally. Live passionately. Be inspiration. Live in spirit with spirit.

With infinite love and gratitude,
Certified Lifeline Practitioner

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Seeing your life differently - rewriting your story.

Today I am focusing on beliefs, perceptions, and judgments that we accepted and believed as a young child. It is extremely important to realize that the messages we internalize may not be those that the people in our lives were giving us. For example, as a child you may ask a question just when the phone is ringing and dinner is burning, you may get a harsh response and believe they do not care about you, when the response has nothing to do with you. You just do not see the situation the from the same perspective. Even when a parent apologizes, the child may still hold self doubt. This journey may allow you to change your view of reality, of your life and of yourself. I encourage you to start or add these to your journal writings.

How have you viewed your early childhood life from the aspects of stability, safety. and security? Was your view of your feelings of life then one of trust or distrust? Did you feel sustained and rooted in life and with yourself and your surroundings? Was there turmoil, instability or confusion in your environment? Remember "Leave it to Beaver" was a tv show not reality. Don't judge your life against that, just be honest and open.

As you are going over these questions, do you view the circumstances or situation of that time as full acceptance of life on earth, or do you feel a sense of resistance, fear, anger or bitterness?

As children we are born into families. All family situations differ. Many times, families or parents do not have the ability to love freely or completely. Here I am not passing judgment. I am saying that many of us were never able to really love ourselves. We may have felt judged, insecure, unsupported, lacking and unstable. Often the people in our lives did not truly know how to love and accept themselves. They may have been living a life of pain or insecurity. They could not love others unconditionally because they might not have known what it was to love themselves. They tried to fit in and earn love. They did not feel they were lovable just for being. There may have always been strings attached.

There are several key points here. One is that there is no fault or blame. Each person does the best they can. Each parent loves their children the best they can. Rather than blaming and judging for others perceived imperfections we would do better to focus on the brokenness and loss of wholeness that they may have experienced. This puts us in a state of compassion and forgiveness.

Once we accept, love and forgive our life for not being what we may not have consciously chosen, we can move on. Living in the past and reliving our hurts over and over keeps us trapped, unhealthy and we are not living in love.

The good news here is that after we let go of the past we can start moving on. We start to create the life we want by realizing that we are creators. We need to accept the we are each born by a loving creator and are a soul of pure love. Innocent little lovable babies. In this state we are more like the animal kingdom. We are part of nature and nurture. We know how to suckle, we respond to fear and love and comfort in healthy ways. As we learned and developed our egos we lose touch with that pure little spirit of love and joy. We start to form opinions and beliefs about who we are. They are lies, but we believe them. We do not know any better. But now you have the ability to change and see the truth.

Starting today I ask each of us to repeat the following affirmations. Add others if they pop into your mind!

  • I accept this life on earth.
  • I am safe, secure and stable. All my needs will be met.
  • I trust life.
  • I am a divine spark of life.
  • I have all I need within myself.
  • My life is a balance of a relationship with earth and the source of creation and infinite love.
  • I trust myself. I trust my intuition. My knowing from within.
  • I choose to question false beliefs that I have held.
  • It is okay to experience my emotions, accept them and own the power of truth within me.
  • I am strong. I am loving.
  • I have free will and a choice to choose a different path than I have been on.
You may want to write a letter to yourself, one to your mother and one to your father. Feel your emotional pain and release it. Tell yourself that you are now choosing to rewrite your life from the truth not your false perceptions of reality, judgments and pain. You are going to create a loving child who loves themselves for the beauty within regardless of what you may have encountered outside of yourself. Tell yourself, This or that happened or I felt that. It is over now and I survived. I am O.K. I choose to let it go and to live a life of giving and receiving love and not living in pain or lies. I WANT TO LIVE AND LOVE. If you need to write about your anger write it and release it. Forgive it. Write a letter to others (don't send it) just let them know how you felt and forgive them. Perhaps you may want to burn it after to complete letting go.

As you do this, you will feel more courageous, freer, lighter and more empowered. You will be taking your power back. You will be deciding to see your life in a much different way.

If I can be of assistance to you, please contact me 630-730-1228 or dgagala@comcast.net. You may also visit my website www.purposepassionvision.com.

Certified LifeLine Practitioner

Monday, March 7, 2011

Birth into life with free will, choice & connection to Source

One of my mentors is Don Miguel Ruiz. In his book, The Fifth Agreement, he talks about our false self and our true self. It is about happiness versus unhappiness.

As young children we are wild, free, without self-consciousness and self-judgement. We speak the truth and live in the moment (p.12) Then we begin the process of domestication and the development of the ego. We learn behaviors, beliefs, judgments based upon the people and environment around us. We agree with them because we are dependent upon others for our care and survival. "After domestication, we try to be good enough for ourselves, because we can never live up to our image of perfection. We look for what we have lost. As we become more mature, we begin searching again for our "true self, for love, for truth". And we are searching for all of these things outside of ourselves, because that is where we believe we will find it. We are not happy." p.14

Our whole lives we have accepted limitations, beliefs of others that tell us we are not good enough, there is no perfection and we begin habits of settling and unhappiness. We look for someone to save us. The saving has to come from within, from yourself (from your second attention). Now we have the chance to unlearn all the lies and beliefs that we accepted when we gave our power and our divinity away. (p.148-149)

He goes on further to say, "Our identification and belief that we are not divine is our hell. Our creation of anything else outside of that is our false self, our separation from our divinity. P.129

As I have reflected on his messages and words, I have reexamined my own life and behaviors. My discovery is that I have been an extremely good student when it comes to listening to others in my life and giving my power away. The result, unfortunately has been separation from my true self and depression.

Many of us realize we may not be happy. But we are not really sure why. We all have our own choices to make in our lives. We do so the best we can. I would venture a guess that most of us also would not change most of our choices. I know that I am happy with all of the conscious choices I have made. That includes my spouse, children, education, faith/spirituality. However, there are many choices that I did not realize I was making, or that I could make a different choice. When we feel we have no choice, we can not see a way out. We allow our fear to take away our power and choice. At these times, we feel free will is a joke because we have allowed ourselves to believe we are a victim or martyr. We do not consciously choose this, this is a subconscious reaction based on emotions and experiences and perceptions that we did not have the tools, strategies or environment to react with love. We did what we believed from our limited false self and ego. The voice in our head. Ruiz calls that voice "knowledge".

Our soul is reaching out to us to awaken us in times of separation, depression, stress, or unhappiness. What we are called to awaken to is our truth, our power, our love of self, and our connection to our the divine. The divine, however has to be accessed from each of us individually. It is not something that we can search for outside of us. There are no answers outside. All answers come from within, from our spirit of pure love. Reconnecting to that spirit of pure love within us and making choices from a place of self love, truth allows us to use our free will in a healthy and empowering way. We then become free, full of joy and happy. It is a journey.

I am on this journey. Would you like to join me? I welcome each of you to follow me on this path of unlearning, learning and becoming all that we each are called to in this life. A journey to wholeness.

Ruiz calls "to learn to doubt. To doubt what we have believed and hear. To learn to accept and see ourselves as divine. That is truth. All else is lies. Have faith in yourself and follow every instinct you were born with. Have no doubt in who you are, trust yourself and trust life."

Friday, February 4, 2011

A very special Grandmother

Today, I write to honor my grandmother who passed yesterday. There are people who are truly angels in our lives. My grandmother was one. She lived a life with hardships, growing up in the depression without a father. She was raised by a mother with ten children. I am so blessed to be part of this family. Strength, character, humor, love, dedication, honor and above all a dedication to family. She lived her life strongly rooted to life, grounded and sturdy, steadfast and loving. She was compassionate and giving. She made life look so easy. There was a time and place for everything. She lived life with joy and laughter, appreciation and gratitude. She gave of herself lovingly. At times she felt as much like a mom as a grandma. Thats just how she was. All of these words seem so empty next to the depth of meaning and truth behind each one. This is not verbose but so very heartfelt.

She was and will always be one of my greatest blessings. Grandma I will honor you. I love you.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Forgiveness and Healing

Healing knows no color, race, or religion. Fear and hate keep us trapped in a continuing cycle of suffering. Acknowledging, accepting the pain and past and then making the decision to choose a new path of love for ones self and for the future generation is the real path to healing. Letting go and choosing forgiveness is not easy but it frees the spirit and soul within each of us.

What is it that you fear? What is it that you hate? Can you imagine yourself living without these fears and hate in your life? Can you begin to feel lighter, freer, and more loving.

Are you ready to begin the transformation of yourself to become more loving. Can you see yourself living a more empowered and fulling life?

Blessings to you on your journey. If you feel so inspired, I would be honored to work with you.

Certified LifeLine Practitioner
Rates negotiatble

Monday, January 3, 2011

The Making of a Happy New Year

As 2010 is now behind us, I look forward to leaving the old behind and creating the new. New Years wishes are not just wishes and hopes for fate to fall our way. Many wait for good things to happen to them and when something "bad" happens they feel like they have bad luck or are a victim. Whether or not we have a Happy New Year or not depends on who we are and who we want to become.

We do not have control over what happens to us. We can however, choose how we respond. We have a choice to reject acting out of fear or anger. Reaction is based upon survival. People get sick, people who we love die, failures occur, relationships are not always healthy. When we feel the emotions involved with these events, we feel angry, hurt, rejected, alienated, lonely, and unhappy. The truth is that no one is being punished. We are not unloved. We are actually being asked, "Who are you? What are you made of? Are you loving others in your life? Are you loving yourself? Are you taking care of yourself?

If there is someone in your life that is ill, have or can you reach out to them. What is your relationship to them like? What can you to make it better? Has someone in your life died or near death? Death is actually part of life. We want to push it away and defeat it. When it hurts us in some way we feel cheated. We feel lost. But we are not lost. Our loved one is not lost. We do however, need to find our way back to ourselves and who we are. Our loved one is still with us, though we may now need to depend upon ourselves now more without their direct input.

Likewise, if you have failed at something in your life, you are not a failure. You are not being punished. You have not reached your full level of strength yet, but you are getting stronger.
There are many steps to success. Take another step, gather your strength and resolve and move forward. If your relationship(s) are not fulfilling, again, you are being asked are you making it all you can? What has or hasn't happened in this relationship. Take a step to learn the lesson here. Find your truth in it and move forward to your happiness.

We are not here to be perfect but we are here to become more whole and happy. What steps can you take to be more whole and happy this year? Make it so.

With the LifeLine technique, I can guide you to find the answers you seek. The answers are within you, not me. Anything is possiblie, just take a chance, believe, and move forward. For a session, please do not hesitate to ask how a LifeLine can help you. Consultation is free.

With love and light,
Certified LifeLine Practitioner