Tuesday, October 5, 2010

The Divine Matrix

In our lives we often become separated from source. We feel we need to control everything and that we have so much to do. Being disconnected from others or perceiving to be disconnected leaves us feeling alone and overwhelmed. We may believe no one really understands what we are going through or are experiencing. Are you focusing on your stresses, pain, or challenges? Are you stuck and unhappy about some or many aspects of your life? You are not really separated from source. There really is no pain. Welcome to the Divine Matrix.

Pain, stress, challenges or even busyness are like stories we can read in a book. They are chapters trying to get our attention. If we know how to listen, we can learn, process and awaken to a greater truth and reality.

You see, my friends, life is like that. A Divine Matrix of energy. We are all part of that energy. We often feel separate from others or things around us. There is a heartbeat to all life, like one big organism. Connect to life as one large universe (entity). We each are part of it, like a star, moon or planet. We are just a different form of life. So there is really no separation at all. We are all part of the universe. We are created by a source of Divine Love. We are part of the divine love. :)

If you would like a LifeLine Session, send me an e-mail and I will contact you. You may also call if you would like. I would be honored to work with you to create a new reality for your life! :)

Debbie Gagala
Certified LifeLine Practitioner