Thursday, February 28, 2013

From can't to I believe.

From I can't to I believe.

In the last post I talk about using our thoughts and whispers from spirit to find new thoughts and beliefs.  This change can be a baby step or a leap.  It all depends on how open you are to new ideas and how far you can stretch your imagination.  Then you take a leap of faith, which may make you feel vulnerable.  After all you are looking for something new.  That can be a bit scary.  But to face our challenges brings us bit by bit out of our comfort zone. Remember Cant does not exist anymore he is now Ibelieve.  So lets look through the eyes of Ibelieve.

Ibelieve knows where he is in his current situation.  Picture your challenge or fear that you want to change.
Now picture you in your new reality.  If it is weight loss, or a healthier lifestyle for you then picture yourself the way you want to be.  Imagine yourself feeling healthier.  Think thoughts of I believe I can be a healthier.  I believe I can add ten minutes of exercise or stretching in my day.  I believe I can eat one more fruit or vegetable than I did today.  I believe I can find a friend or someone to call and support me on this journey.

Maybe you are shy and want to communicate better and be more confident.  Picture yourself being friendly and approaching someone new and starting a conversation.  Make it easy and superficial at first.  Try to do that once each day.  Maybe after a week or so, you feel comfortable with a particular person, ask them if they would like to meet for coffee or join you in an activity you enjoy.  

The key here is not to jump to success and instant transformation.  It is about focusing of believing you can do this.  It will take practice and affirmations several times each day.  I can.  I can.  I can.  I want to.  I will.  I have support.  The goal is to get to a place where you can picture yourself being this new you.  Focus on FEELING that way.  Let that feeling grow.  If it is thin, feel thin.  If it is confident feel confident.  Smile confidently.  Tell yourself you can't help but feel confident.  It's your nature.  I am confident, or thin, or brave, or etc.  Whatever your challenge or stress is make a step or write a plan to help you reach your goal. Commit to yourself to that goal.  Forget about the past all that exists is this moment and the goal ahead of you.

When Ego B. Mind starts interrupting your new thoughts and beliefs tell him to go away.  He is no longer serving you because you won't accept anything less than success.  Ask Spirit Lead Me to come and reinforce your new beliefs and chase the old patterns away.  Spirit will always remind you anything is possible and not to give up.  Feel the determination and go back to feeling I believe again.  

Commit yourself to doing this for 1 week. Put post it notes around your house. Set an alarm on your phone and do your affirmation each time it goes off.  See how you feel.  Keep up the practice.  Smile at yourself and others.  Belief is always in you.  

I have done this and am doing it again with you now, so let's get started. It's never to late to begin!

With Infinite Love and Gratitude!

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Belief and success

In order to move forward and make success a reality, we must look at and acknowledge where we have been and are.  It is a matter of getting a broader perspective on one's situation and also of owning where you are now.  Much like someone who has fallen into a deep ravine.  You look up and note where you are and assess what the situation is so you can make a plan to move forward.   Your initial reaction may be shock, denial, rejection or loss of will or hope.  You may say there is no way, I can't, I don't know how, or I don't have what I need to get out of this situation.  The outcome totally results from your choices.

Some people will choose to make no decision seeing no way out.  I will call him Cant.  Cant becomes paralyzed with fear and inaction because he feels he has no choice becomes a victim.  The key here is what is he a victim to. Is Cant really a victim of circumstance or to the thoughts and beliefs in his mind?  Cant believes and feels he will stay in this ravine.

Another person falls into that same ravine.  We will call him Will.  He assesses the situation.  He sees no way out but opens his mind to other possibilities.  Will starts using the power of imagination .  Will refuses to accept being stuck.  "I want to get out of here.  I want to live.  I want to see my family again.  I choose life."  Will takes small steps, one at a time until success is achieved.  Will actively believes and feels himself getting out and does.

Cant has developed a pattern of giving in.  Repeated failures have left him weak and beaten down.  Cant suffers low self esteem and determination.  He has lost his strength and inner voice.  His best friend has become Ego B. Mind.  He needs a new friend,  That friend is Spirit Lead Me.

Still lost in the ravine Cant looses his friend Mind.  And meets Spirit.  Spirit begins to talk to him, first in whispers.  "Anything is possible.  Don't give up.  Believe there is a way."  Cant starts to believe.  As his belief grows he begins to feel determined.  He chooses a different outcome and learns to succeed.

Knowing that he has been given a second chance at life he changes his name to Ibelieve.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Weight, Depression and Freedom: A Journey of Love

Months have crept by since I last blogged and also have extra and unwanted pounds slowly crept into my tissues.  It's winter now.  It is a time to  go within, find comfort, warmth and solitude.  If I were a bear I would be well prepared for a long winter.  Winter is a time for reflection.  Sometimes, we stay in winter mode for longer than the winter months.  That has been my state.  I haven't blogged for over a year. Wow.  Where have I been?  I asked myself that question.  I don't really know. Hours turned into days, and days into a year and a half.  Busy, occupied and sometimes lost. Life happened and I withdrew and escaped into it and myself.  I have had a broken leg, been in the hospital and therapy for 3-6 months.  Still not recuperated, actually have lots of work to go.  In the process I have gained more weight and struggle to keep myself going.  I have grieved what happened and where I am.  I have been angry and resentful.  I have prayed for help, of course looking for a specific outcome.  That outcome has not happened because I have not taken action to make it come about.  Now I'm tired of grieving. tired of going downhill.  From deep inside me my soul is calling me to wake up, find and claim my own strength. I have been looking outside of myself for someone or something to help me.  And I have had help.  I have received LifeLine sessions and energy work that have revealed hurt and the loss of my own voice or inability to speak up for myself.  I have been learning very important lessons during this time. I have been writing in my journal and discovering thought patterns and false beliefs that I have been replaying in my head.  They have not been helping me.  They have kept me trapped.  I have been living in the past, which really translates to existing but not really living at all.   The help I need comes from within and has always been inside of me.  It comes from my inner-self, my heart and my soul.  I come from God, from the divine.  I am a spark which emanates from the One Divine Living Flame we call God. I have been denying that I am a child of God and that my strength comes from him.

So rather than listen to the voice in my head that says, I can't do this, or it's too hard to do that; I am choosing to listen to my heart.  My heart tells me that all things are possible.  My heart tells me to love myself and to take care of myself.  It tells me I have all that I need and to live with gratitude.  It tells me I am alive and to celebrate that life.

It is snowing heavily outside.  The first heavy snow of the winter even though it is the end of February.  The huge heavy flakes are falling like rain.  Which is rather ironic because inside me I feel like spring.  Ready to burst forth with renewed energy and full of belief in myself.  I can see myself getting better and wanting to put forth the effort to get better.  I really feel like I can do it.

I am going to share this with you.  I will be telling you what I have discovered about myself recently and what changes  are taking place.  So pull up a chair, a cup of coffee and a tall glass of good healthy water and listen while I tell a story about me and perhaps about you too.  For we are all children of God, in search of our own divine spark of life, joy and happiness from within!

A Journey shared with heartfelt Infinite Love and Gratitude,