Friday, December 11, 2009

Preparing for the Holiday seasons

As you are making preparations for your respective holiday season, I ask you to reflect on where your heart and thoughts are. Are you feeling anxious and "bah humbug"? or are you the busy bee focusing on getting everything done, or are you perhaps full of the peace and love and spirit of giving that represents the reason for the season.

Wherever you are, don't judge it. Acknowledge it and listen for it's message to you. ??????????? If your heart and thoughts are not filled with love, peace or giving, is that feeling of lack focused outward on others, or is it perhaps that you are not feeling it within. Are you loving and feeling peace in your own heart, thoughts and spirit for yourself? It all begins within. The more love and peace you feel for yourself the more you will be able to really love and be love for those in your life. Love yourself. What gift can you give you today? Make yourself smile, feel good and loved. Give others the gift of loving yourself. When you love yourself it shows. And then everybody wins!

As a gift to you all I am in process of creating a healing circle, where you may sign up and join a weekly healing session. The cost for these sessions will be a fraction of the one on one sessions. I am offering this because I believe that there are many of you who are letting money stand in the way of your happiness. And quite frankly, money is not the issue. Creating peace, love, harmony and love for each other, ourselves and the world is. So this one way I will be creating love and peace with all of you. Details to follow.

Peace Love and Hope to you all this season!
Infinite Love and Gratitude!

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Sing, Laugh, Dance

Let your spirit out today and have fun. Be grateful. Enjoy the feelings!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, November 6, 2009

The greatest love of all

We live our lives in pursuit of love. Sometimes we choose to pursue love of money, ambition, a committed relationship, friends, or of our families. I would imagine that if we are all really honest with ourselves we would realize that most of our time is focused on these outward goals in pursuit of these things that we believe will bring us the love and happiness that we are seeking.

I have spent much of my time and energy in pursuit of love from others and from possessions. At the surface of my being is, in those moments, that I need to earn love and do not already possess that love. At the core of my being is the truth of awakening to love of self. What is important to note here is that it is my perception, my judgments, that have led me in the pursuit of these false ideals. To judge that our friends and family do not love us is a perception but is not truth. They love us perfectly, but we do not perceive all that is involved with the contracts of each of our relationships. If a relationship feels what we would judge as bad, we perceive that we do not have love. The real truth is that they love much more than we can even imagine, in the best way that they know how. (Note: sometimes we need to learn to forgive and forgiveness is ALWAYS for ourselves and our own spirit). What we learn is that they are here to challenge us to love ourselves.

When we encounter something that does not resonate with us (makes us feel unhappy or unloved) it is because we are not in the space of our true self and in our truth of being our spirit of pure love. These feelings that challenge us to seek love are to awaken us to loving ourselves. Every experience is for our greatest highest good. Our thoughts, hearts and intentions (will) can awaken us to the greatest love of all, the courage and power of loving who we are, a child of God. We each are pure love. We are here to embrace, experience and become the fullness of what that really is., If everyone you know loves you but you do not love yourself are you really happy? We learn and experience life in many ways. Be open and be loving to see each and every emotion, fear, pain and challenge as an opportunity for growth and love. I am reminded of the popular song sung by Whitney Houston, a beautifully delivered tribute to loving ourselves, for who we are, "The Greatest Love of All".

Infinite Love & Gratitude!
Certified LifeLine Practitioner for appointment

Friday, October 9, 2009

What is weighing you down?

The answer lies in your emotions. Many of us let our emotions control us. Perhaps that is because there is no recognition that you can listen to their message and choose to respond directly to them instead of running away or trying to ignore them.

Confused. Let me explain. Lets list some emotions and notice what you feel when you connect to them.

Heaviness, weighted, lighthearted, uplifted, overwhelmed, chaotic, balanced, over-sympathetic, burdened, exhausted, energized, insecure, lonely, depressed, happy.

I am going to pick one just to illustrate my point. I choose overwhelmed, because I believe many can relate to that feeling in some aspect of their lives. When you are feeling overwhelmed, notice how you feel. Do you feel full of energy or like someone is standing on your shoulders making your movements laborious and slow? Do you even try to move, or do you feel like you are drowning? As you get in touch with that feeling of being overwhelmed, notice how you respond to being overwhelmed. Do you create a list to attain your chosen goals, do you swim in the ocean of futility, or do you run to an alternate source of comfort to avoid the real issues.

Choices of alternate comfort are often sought as a means to pamper that part of us that does not want to deal with the issue. If circumstances exist that you may feel you can't keep up and you have no viable or tangible source of help (i.e: there is no one else to help me with these tasks, I am on MY OWN, I have no where to turn). A common choice is to turn to a friend, who is always a available and comforts us in a way that makes us feel immediately and momentarily good. That choice is Food.

There are chemical reactions in our bodies that create and respond to certain foods. Sugars, carbohydrates, wheat and gluten, salty snacks are among the top triggers. These foods are held in our bodies in fat cells and they carry the emotions of what we are trying to hide because we do not want to deal with them. We use these foods as an escape for comfort. But the actual emotion that we are trying to bury and forget remains with us and the use of food is only making us feel worse. The only real solution is to deal directly with the emotion and to understand what is causing it and what we can learn from it. From there we can make different choices. It is the difference between being out of control to in control. Even the most together and organized and successful person has a part of themselves that is hurt, alone or out of balance. These are not personal failures, that is a judgement that we assign to it, but is not truth. Our truth is that we can handle anything and we have the tools and strategies and the abundance available to us at all times. Our strength, our connection to our spirit, our mind and our body empower us to own and be who we are really meant to be. But that is a choice. When out of balance, we need to reconnect and recreate harmony. Harmony in our spirit (connection to the Divine), our mind (our thoughts and what we are choosing and attracting into our lives and to believe), and our body (which is a measurement of how effectively we are practicing and achieving that balance.

When we give our bodies food that is nutritious and loving providing nutrients that enrich it and allow it to thrive, we disallow the food the control us.

When we give our minds food for thought that is empowering we feel in control and ready to embrace our challenges.

When we give our spirits freedom to live and we are inspired we allow our true selves to come forth and are at our best.

By choosing these three options, we become lighter, freer, optimistic and powerful. In this way we are choosing that anything is possible and we create unlimited possibilities.

I encourage to experience a LifeLine session to uncover, release and transform the emotions that you are experiencing that are weighing you down. You can be empowered on an incredible journey where you become your best and happiest self. The weight is a symptom, asking for you to notice it and embrace its message.

Infinite Love & Gratitude,
Certified LifeLine Practitioner

Blessings in disguise.

Today, I am reminded by the words of Louise Hay, founder of Hay House and Hay House Radio.

Quote, "All we have is a thought and a thought can be changed".

Think about this for a moment. If your thoughts in this moment are not reflecting the beauty and pure love of who you are and what life offers you, then you have a conscious choice to change that thought. By changing our thoughts we bring our energy into a higher vibration and we also begin to see the real truth of who we are meant to be. If you do not feel good realize that the emotion of "not feeling good" is not resonating with your true nature of love, which is ALWAYS in and for best and highest good. So the sadness is a blessing or gift in disguise to awaken you to your true self and allow you to feel happy.

It does not always seem easy to get out of a thought pattern that does not feel good. But it can be. Confront it, head on. If you feel sad, realize, "this is not my truth." Sad is not how I want to feel therefore it is telling me I want to be happy. That is GOOD. Thank you sadness for awakening me to my truth of wanting to be happy.

What will make me happy? Let your imagination go. Visualize that happiness. See it go on for an hour, a day, a week. Feel it. Feel the possibilities in its truth.

Ask yourself, "What did or didn't happen that is causing me to feel sad?" Cry if you need to, punch your pillow, scream. Create, feel, and give yourself what you need for that part of you that is feeling sad. Give yourself love. The part of you that is feeling sad is not the whole you. Acknowledge that. You can choose to feel happy and full of love.

For a LifeLine appt., contact me @

Infinite Love & Gratitude!
Certified LifeLine Practitioner

Friday, October 2, 2009

Mirror, Mirror on the Wall

When I look into the mirror, what I usually see is not what is on the outside but what is on the inside. What is on the inside is a reflection of what I am feeling. What I am feeling is often directly related to what others are reflecting back to me. However what others reflect to us is filtered through our perception of what is really there. (What others see and do is not always how we see what they are doing and perceiving.) We judge and perceive. It is these judgments and perceptions that are usually clouding the truth that allows us to see pure love. Pure love is all that is true. All else is our illusion and distortion of the truth. When we have that muddled reflection it is hard to believe there is a higher truth and that Love is really there for us.

I had a day like that yesterday. I knew, the messages I was receiving were false. I knew that it was my perception that needed to change. As I went through the day, I allowed it to be. I did not like what I was seeing, which is good, because that means that I want something more. Anytime we don't feel positive and great it means that we want and are ready to change. We may not always know how to make that change and the perception that we are stuck or victims keeps us trapped and unhappy.

Yesterday, I needed to listen and to my emotions. Let me try to explain. I am constantly raising my own consciousness to a higher level. I do not want to live any other way than in peace and love. However, by setting that standard, I am often faced with feelings that are inconsistent with peace and love. Annoyed, frustrated, angry, overwhelmed, disappointed, used and the list can go on and on. What I needed was a day to just be human and to be okay with whatever came my way. A day free of judgement, of analysis, of thought. What I mostly felt was tired. I was tired of working so hard. I felt numb. I was glad to go to sleep last night, I needed the rest.

So today, I realize that it is okay that what I see in the mirror does not adequately reflect my true inner self. My LifeLine session was one on forgiveness and acceptance of the "dance of life". The dance reflects where I have been which is the building blocks of my current state of health. It is reflecting what I need to learn and to grow. I have choice in the present moment which shows me the opportunities before me and challenges me to adequately reflect my true inner self. At the end of my session I felt joy at the awesome experience of life and a future of freedom, peace and love.

It is truly a journey. We may all become saints, princes and princesses one day. But the only way to become that is to love who we are so much that it is reflected in each and every action, word and thought that make us who we are. Then and only then are the emotions of annoyed, frustrated, angry, overwhelmed, etc. not even recognized in our perceptions. The blessings are in disguise and the silver lining here is that these very emotions that we judge unwanted are the same ones that teach and challenge us to be their polar opposite. We do not like them because they really do not resonate with our truth and heart's desire which is pure love. Did you really hear that? Those emotions are not really you and that is why they bother you and why you want to get rid of them.

So, as you look into the mirror today, who do you see. More importantly, do you wish to see past your perceptions, through the emotions and find the blessings hiding there for you. You must choose the journey to rise above these emotions and to choose love. Love of yourself. This is what all healing is about.

The reflections in the mirror show the choice between living in love and being connected to Source which is Pure Love or to living in fear and pain.

I work with others to help them to unlock their full potential and why they may not be feeling love and joy in each and every moment. This is not counseling or life coaching. I work with the subconscious and emotions of the body, mind and spirit. Your story and personal information is not shared. That remains yours. You will identify emotions and connect to them but will not need to tell me what situation is behind the emotion. It is possible and well within reach to release trapped emotions that are draining your energy. LifeLine finds the root causes of those emotions at a subconscious level, which means you are not now consciously aware of why they are there. The journey for each of us is unique. The journey is our life and how we choose to live it. To begin your LifeLine journey of transformation contact me:

I have payment plans and packages available.

Infinite Love & Gratitude!
Certified LifeLine Practitioner
www.infinitelove& (under construction)

Friday, September 25, 2009

The storybook of your life.

Have you chosen to be sucked into the storybook of your life? Or are you choosing to write a new chapter, creating the beautiful spirit of love that is YOU? You are here to feel and share that spirit and all the gifts that make you unique, not only with yourself but with others. Or are you stuck in past details of what was or wasn't? There are messages and lessons for us to learn from what we find in our story. It tells us who we have been, how we got to where we are now. We need to reflect on the emotions of these chapters in our book to release what is still stuck there. You can choose to understand, forgive, release parts of your story that are keeping you stuck there. *

If the emotions you are feeling as you listen to your story are keeping you down, Why? Why are you not choosing to write a new page in your book instead. Are you ready to let go of what is weighing you down? Are you ready to fly and be the you that is waiting to burst forth and write a new story for who you want to be. Who you want to be is a choice. Loving yourself is the journey that gets you there. Live from your spirit today, it is that part of you that is here now. Breathe in and as you exhale let your actions reflect the you that you want to be.

You have today, you have now.

* For an appt. to help you move through the emotions that need to be released from your past and help you to live more fully present in the now please contact me. I would love to journey with you to help you to become your Purpose, passion and vision. Life is too short to not be choosing to shine!

Infinite Love & Gratitude.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

A joy filled life

There are so many demands on our time and 0n our emotions that sometimes we need to remind ourselves to feel joy. Do you feel joy?

We often get so caught up in what we need to do each day. We have jobs, children to care for, mortgages, rising prices, challenging family structures (separations, divorces, multiple marriages, mixed families and extended family members all over the globe). Our society is one of instant gratification. All of these lead to challenges in parenting our children in healthy ways that will teach them the values and strengths that are going to help them to become happy, secure, joyful people that are filled with love of self and of life. We want them to live each moment with joy. We want them to feel and know they are loved and that life is filled with unlimited possibilities for all of their desires.

It is easy to spend all our time and emotions on our kids, families, friends and those we love and care for. We love them unconditionally with our whole hearts. We want the absolute best for them.

But what about you. Don't you deserve the same: happiness, love and life filled with unending joy. Don't you deserve a life filled with passion and unlimited possibilities? Yes, you do.

Did you ever stop to consider that you deserve it. Ask for it . Now. I want joy in my life. Stop to think about ways you can add joy into your life.

When I wake up today, I want my day to reflect joy in everything I do. We are on this earth, on this physical reality to experience life. Choose joy as part of that experience. I am grateful and full of joy that I am alive and want to celebrate living. Smile. Sing. Dance. Laugh. Take a bike ride, go to a game. Bake a cake or cookies or go drop in and visit someone.

Give yourself permission to be JOYFUL.

Infinite Love & Gratitude!
Certified LifeLine Practitioner
for an appt. contact me:

Friday, September 18, 2009

A safe space just for you.

Over the last weekend, I became more aware of my of my own space and how others energy affects mine. Questions swarmed through my mind. Why am I feeling this? Why am I aware of this? Why is this bothering me? What is the message? I went to a dear friend, asking for his help. I was, in my usual fashion, looking for intellectual answers? I planned on a conversation of if this, then what. I wanted to know how to fix what was going on with me. My friend, in his wisdom gave me something much more important. Thank you "PpB".

What he did for me was to take me to a quiet space. In this space, I wanted to talk, to ask the questions, I wanted answers for. My friend, calmly guided me and simply said, "shhhhhh". I went inside, finding a safe, quiet place within. As I did so, I realized that I was creating a safe boundary that would allow me to remain strong, safe and connected to self and the Divine. It was very welcomed. I felt peace and very connected to my true self. I realized that I did not have to let others energy affect me, unless I wanted it to. Also, I became aware that some of what I was feeling were messages that I needed to listen to. It was necessary for me to simply ask, Why is "blank" bothering me.

I learned that it is ok to set boundaries. It is ok to say no to others and keep what is mine, either physically, mentally, emotionally or spiritually to myself. It is not only ok but it is important to recognize when you are crossing boundaries.

Sit quietly for about 5 minutes. If something enters your mind, lovingly acknowledge it, say thank you, clear your mind and surround yourself with a bubble of love. Inside this bubble, feel comfort, joy, safety, security and peace. If something else comes in to your head or space, say no thank you I am worthy and deserving to enjoy this space. Enjoy these feelings. Are they new to you? You can come to this place anytime you choose. It can last a few seconds or minutes, whatever you choose or can allow at the time.

If you notice someone or something is bothering you in your day, ask yourself, "Why is "this" bothering me, disrupting my peace, my joy?" What is its message? If you notice the energy is not yours, (i.e. someone else's frustration, anger, etc) let it go, set your boundary. Go into your safe bubble, feel your peace, the safely of your own space. Breathe in that love and connection to yourself. Smile. Be grateful for your inner self, which is your connection to spirit.

Then go on with your day.

How does that feel?

Infinite Love & Gratitude!
Certified LifeLine Practitioner

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

"The Cause", Choosing Love & Healing


I just got back from facilitating a training seminar on the LifeLine Technique. It was, as always, transforming.

About a week ago, I watched a u-tube video titled "The Cause". I would recommend watching it, but like many things in our lives it is scary, challenging and painful. It is hard to watch, because of the sad story and reality of what happened and happens too often in life. We inflict pain on others. But it is our pain, our internal pain, that we have not known how to deal with that is the root cause of our acting out in unhealthy ways. These cycles of pain are in each of our lives, just to different degrees. On this weekend, the anger and sadness became very real as I really internalized why these emotions and my own purpose, passion and vision are so strong within me.

As I did so, I began to feel compassion and empathy for the perpetrators. I had done this before, but this time I felt a personal responsibility to help. Anger and judgement do not solve problems and do not heal. Many people find themselves in situations which they are unprepared for. Hurt, anger, sadness, depression, anxiety, withdrawal, denial or many other emotions may surface as a result. Often they do not have the ability to deal with the emotions, neither do or did their parents have the support systems to deal with the fear and pain. So they did what most people used to do. They ignored the situation trying to deny and forget what happened. They pretended it did not happen. But they were wearing a mask on the outside. Inside the pain remains.

Our lives are based on energy. Everything that happens to us affects us on an energetic level. When we bury, hide or run away from something in our life that is painful or fearful it gets buried in our subconscious mind. It then comes out as emotions that are stuck in our energy level. They can manifest into physical symptoms and disease if not dealt with.

I have been dancing around the real issues until now. Change is not something we can randomly choose. We must make a conscious, responsible decision to grow up. It is not easy. But our children, our families, our communities deserve to be happy, healthy and full of love and joy. More importantly we each deserve to feel that self love to such a degree that we are overwhelmingly full of joy and happiness. When are you going to choose love over fear and settling for less than your real truth and potential?

Most of us have been brought up to believe that we are not worthy of happiness. We have limiting beliefs and have accepted lives that are less than they should be because we are living out of fear. We cannot imagine a life where we are living our full purpose and joy. Most of us do not have role models that believe that either.

We are capable of sooo much joy and happiness. Life is FULL of potential. The possibilities are endless. No matter what is happening in your life that is not what you want it to be, you can choose to change.

It is easy to judge, blame and lash out at perpetrators. But within each of us is a perpetrator on some level, an inner child that did not get the love it needed. But that inner child can still, regardless of the age, deal with the past and choose to live in the present. A present that is happy, fulfilling and beyond measure in love.

Baby Kelsey from this video deserves for us to honor her memory by the precious life. Many others who live in spirit remind us to choose love and learn to love ourselves and heal anything that is not bringing us joy in life. They have taught me the importance and power of forgiveness and compassion. We are all created from a Divine Loving Universal Energy of Love.

My purpose, passion and vision is to allow others to heal from their fear, pain, stress & challenges. Do not accept second best. LIFE is AMAZING. Choose to live your life with passion and purpose.

My training and the new belief system you will awaken too will empower you to live a more fulfilling life, regardless of the issues you are experiencing. Even if you have financial issues, career issues, weight issues, I can help you.

Infinite Love & Gratitude!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

An innocent child

As I have been realizing how much we affect others in our lives by not only the content but also with the frequency and extent of the contact. This is not really a new realization, but my awareness of my involvement and responsibility is deeper.

In my earlier years, I initiated contact with many friends and family. At that time, my relationships were all relatively happy and we had quite a few friends. As time went on, I began to feel burdened. I felt I was always the one doing the calling and inviting and I felt unappreciated and unvalued. I started to call less and started to feel more and more lonely.

It is easy for us to blame others for our decisions and harder to step up and be honest with them. I wish it didn't take me so long to learn this. Now I can see the pattern very well. I told myself that if they did not call, they must not care or love me. As a part of my recent changes and realizations, my aha moment is hard to admit, but nonetheless true. I chose to not love them. Out of my hurt, misperceptions, fear of confronting them with my feelings, I chose to withdraw my love from them. Their reasons and involvement in the quality of the our relationship was there to be sure, but it was my behavior that changed and it was my fear and lack of love for myself and them that caused me to withdraw.

I have only to look at some of my most valuable relationships to see how this is true, my grandparents. (Can be any relationship but for my point, I will use grandparents.) Most of us have received many, many years of unconditional love, cookies, ice cream and fun from a grandparent. I was very very lucky to have known all grandparents and even some great-grandparents. Their value in my life has been immeasurable. I love each of them so deeply. But as my family grew and I became self involved, I found less and less time for them. I would think of them, I say, "I should call." But the intentions were most often more true than my actions. I felt love but I did not show love.

So maybe they, (like I thought) think that I do not care because I do not call or visit much. That is bringing tears to my eyes because I do soooo care ("soooo" should be in the dictionary!)

So many times, we cannot see past our own pain or do not want to deal with our own pain so we run away from it or withdraw. It is only by owning our pain and dealing with it that we can love ourselves and the others in our lives. When we do so, we also become more compassionate and forgiving. We become able to see through their pain and hurt to see the little innocent child in them. That is what real love is all about.

I just watched "The Secret Life of Bees" (highly recommend it). It was about a little girl, an innocent child, who was in a situation with adults who could not deal with their own pain. She felt unloved and unlovable. Their is an innocent child in each of us who is hungry for love. When we are hungry for love, there remains a part of us that does not love who we are. Unless we love who we are as a whole person we will not feel happiness and joy. We will remain hurt, unfulfilled and unloved.

This little innocent girl was always lovable. She was always valuable. She was always deserving of unlimited joy and happiness. So are you.

Infinite Love & Gratitude,

Note: As a Certified LifeLine Practitioner, I offer sessions on helping people choose to live in love in all areas of their lives. (Relationships, work, personal fulfillment, spiritual growth, pain or stress) Please contact me ( if interested in facing your fears, hurts, pains or stresses. There is nothing better than living your life from your purpose, passion and vision full of joy. This is my true wish for you. I believe in this, it is my purpose, passion and vision.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

A little hummingbird magic!

A little hummingbird flew outside my kitchen window getting nectar from a hanging basket that is trying to hold on as fall is upon us. I have not seen one this year. Emotional sweetness, joy, and having a positive outlook are the strengths the hummingbird shares with us. (Aniumal Spirit Guides by Stephen Farmer). As I reflected upon what that message meant for me, I realized the timing was perfect. This follows the post from yesterday which focused on living from love and expressing it into my thoughts, actions and words each day. This amazing little bird reminds me to spread sweetness and joy into life. Of course, I am reminded of the people I have been blessed with in my life who have been full of sweetness and joy. They have touched my heart and spirit so deeply. And that is exactly what I want to spread to others. I want my children to feel that sweetness. I want them to find joy in the little things in life, even if that is mowing the lawn, pulling weeds or cleaning their bedrooms, bathroom, etc.

My great-grandmother was exemplary at this. She had a heart of gold. She was quite content preparing meals, doing her chores, or whatever she had to do. I never heard or felt an instance of complaint from her. She was happy to share whatever she had or could do for anyone. Her heart was open and overflowing with love, encouragement and sweetness. As I connect to her, I realize that she did not struggle to find love or show love, a kind word or action. She just allowed her heart to express it from her spirit.

I have not always done so. I acted from selfishness, anger, hurt and fear. These do not serve anyone. Choosing love only acts out of love. From love is joy, sweetness and happiness.

Thank you little hummingbird, thank you grandma. You gently encourage me to continue along my path of spreading love and sweetness. There is no better feeling than this: to feel, give and receive love.

Infinite Love & Gratitude,

Note: As a Certified LifeLine Practitioner, I offer sessions on helping people choose to live in love in all areas of their lives. (Relationships, work, personal fulfillment, spiritual growth, pain or stress) Please contact me ( if interested in facing your fears, hurts, pains or stresses. There is nothing better than living your life from your purpose, passion and vision full of joy. This is my true wish for you. I believe in this, it is my purpose, passion and vision.

Friday, September 4, 2009

YES. I feel different. I have changed.

I allow my spirit and my heart to live and to be free to express my truth and my love.

This was the intention of the LifeLine session two days ago. After the session, I felt secure and serene. I was also feeling very inspired. I was anxious to really reach out and share my life, my views, and my love. As I went through my day, what began to occur to me, was the difference between who I had been and who I was now choosing to be. I had been failing to share my life and my love the way I really wanted to. There was a big difference between what was in my heart and what my intentions were from how I was really showing to others.

That realization was very hard to take. It hurts to realize that you are not being your best and are hurting others by your actions or lack of actions. I felt called to pick up a book that I had not read for awhile. "Stand up for your Life" by Cheryl Richardson. She had a list of wods that helped to define a persons values. As I read through I saw that there were many words that were reflecting what I wanted to be but were not part of who I have been. I had to be honest and do this from my heart.

When the kids and expecially my husband came home, I made sure I took a private moment to talk with them and apologize for the exact ways I had let them and myself down. I epressed my desire to love them differently.

For me that means a few things. One is that I contacted a friend and counselor who is working with me to help me learn to set healthy boundaries, to learn how to control my emotions, (so they do not control me) and how to effectively say what I mean. It also means to keep reading and focusing on my feelings. To really understand what my heart is telling me.

I always connect to my faith and ground myself during the day. So now I repeat the following at least three times a day: "I allow my spirit and heart to live and to be free to express my truth and my love. I choose to be an ACTIVE participant to be my best I can be in my health, my diet, my personality, loving myself, loving others, in giving and in choosing happiness."

While this sounds like a lot it has already made a big shift in how I am acting and responding to myself, to others in my life, and to the daily activities that I have in my routine. I am okay, with having to fold the laundry, or cook dinner, help with homework, etc. It's okay. I also am okay with knowing that discipline and enforcing it is important as well. I need to fair, yet firm. To do it with love. In the past allowing them to get away with little things was my way of showing love, but real love is setting a boundary that teaches them a lasting value that will serve their best interest in the long run.

Expressing my truth and my love to you!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Change is all about Choosing to Love yourself

As I talked with three friends yesterday, I found the same recurring comment coming up in conversation. "I want to change but...." Enter the fear of change again. Change and any fear associated with it is an opportunity to grow and learn to love yourself. This is a journey but it is also a way of living and a destination. It is about living in each moment with choice and owning your own power and not giving it away. Today, my LifeLine session (on myself) was "I allow my spirit and heart to live freely". The possibilities and freedom and strength I feel are incredible.

One of my friends, yesterday said: I don't have the money for a session, my son's birthday is this week". Yes, I said. I understand. Just realize that you are putting the needs of others always before your own needs and happiness. You must choose to love yourself. That means choosing you are worth the time, energy and effort to spend the money for a session on your own happiness. If you do not choose to move forward, you will remain unhappy, unfulfilled and not living the life that you are here to live. With that in mind, I asked her if she was ready to choose to find out what really loving herself and feeling her real potential was like.

For information on a session contact me at I would be honored to journey with you. The possibilities are so much greater than you have been led to believe.

Infinite Love & Gratitude!

Monday, August 31, 2009

Pay it Forward

There are no co-incidences. A couple of nights ago I watched the movie "Pay it Forward" I highly recommend it. It was a subtle message to me regarding my fears and my ability to move forward with change. I know with my whole heart and soul that there are still changes, I want in my life. I keep moving toward these changes. I have made many discoveries and movements forward and am much closer to attaining my goals. I can see it, I can feel it, and I am determined to live my life to my full potential. I am here to love myself and others and also to allow them to love themselves and those in their lives.

Everything comes down to this: In connecting to and giving love to others, we also receive love. In loving others, we learn to love ourselves. That is not always an easy thing to do. Many of us are uncomfortable loving ourselves. Often our environments and the people in our lives have not had the ability to love. Their environments also did not know how to give or receive love. Does this mean that they did not love. No. What it means is that each of us, our environments and our ancestors have loved us the best way they knew how. There have been patterns of unhealthy relationships that continue to move from generation to generation. What I know, that I want to share with you is that those limiting beliefs that you have been holding do not have to continue. The fears, unworthiness, feelings or inadequacy, pain or inability to love ourselves can be faced and overcome. You do not have to accept them you can let go of them. They are not serving you. Are they? You can find the root cause of these feelings, and begin to really love who you are. The you that you were meant to be. The free, joyful, excited, exhuberant, loving spirit that you were born to be.

Untill we really learn how to love ourselves, we cannot really love others. I want my children to live their lives free of my burdens, mistakes and my inabilities to love myself. I choose love. I choose each day to live my best, to go through the pain and fears that I carry so that I do not pass them on. My children deserve better. As a parent,m I can say this with my entire being. I WANT the best always for theml. Guess what, I deserve better too. So I learn to love myself. I have learned how to forgive myself and nurture those parts of me that have not always felt nurtured. This is something that I have to choose everyday. If I am feeling discontent with some part of my life or who I am, I know I have a choice to connect to that part of me. Discontent, unhappiness, fears or pain are telling us we are not feeling whole and loved. They are challenges or opportunities to become whole, to become better. If you accept and walk through the emotions you feel, you will come out the other side loving yourself more and being a better person, This can be done best with a LifeLine session as it uses the subconscious and superconscious mind to connect you to the root causes of the issue. It does not involve talking through, discussing, or getting advice for problems, fears or issues. It is a very powerful tool that I can use to guide you to the life you want and to the person you really are inside. The one who is hiding, peeking out when they feel safe.

So, considering the above, I want to share some of the dialogue from "Pay it forward" with you now. This follows very well with my previous post.

"People are scared. It's hard for some people, who are so used to things the way they are, even if they are bad, to change and they kinda give up. When they do, everybody kinda loses."

So, the message coming to you today, is simply this: Are you ready to change, to reach for your dreams, live the life you really want.

Friday, August 28, 2009

Ya, that feels nice but....

Ya, that feels nice to go to that place of peace, harmony and love, but then I open my eyes and the phone rings, the children are fighting and I need to run errands or go to work. Where is the peace, love and harmony in all of this.

Here is where your real journey begins. By looking at the reality of your life. But what is reality and what is your perception? I'm sure you are like, "What?" Stay with me here. Your reality (perception) is how you have been choosing to look at the events and people in your life. The reality you have created is one of judgement. You judge, the fighting, errands, and interruptions as interferring with your peace, harmony and love. That perception is different from the reality of absolute truth.

Our perception of reality in this life as we have been traditionally taught begins when we begin our life in physical form. We become part of our environment, our family and the culture we are born into. Our subconscious and unconscious minds are in control of our body in our very earliest parts of our life. When our conscious mind, starts to take shape, we begin judging what we like or don't based on how we are feeling about what is happening around us. We start to learn patterns of belief and behavior based on what we are learning from our experiences and those around us. We mimick what we see. If what we see or experience is not desireable or we don't know how to cope with it our subconscious mind takes that experience and files it away. We deny the pain, but continue the behavior over and over without thinking about what we are doing. This pattern of denying our pain and fears is what you will be choosing to face. ALL CHANGE BEGINS WITH A CHOICE. A conscioius choice. What I am going to ask you to begin doing is to focus on your emotions and how you feel. Not your thoughts but your feelings.

Let's go back to finding peace, harmony and love in our daily life. Tell me how you feel. Don't tell me, I have a headache and this is not fun. Got that. The bottom line here, is that you are not feeling love, or loved. You are feeling stressed, used and anxious. You feel like harmony is on an island that you woud have to take a boat or plane to get to. Not true.

These feelings and events allow you the opportunity to see in a very real way that you are out of balance and that you need to bring balance back into your life.

I feel soooooo very blessed that I have met one of the most genuine and loving people on our planet. That is a very huge statement, I know. I am speaking of a person, a friend, a healer, who lives his life from his soul and spirit. He lives from Love, free from judgement. By studying and practiciing with many Dr.'s, masters, philosophers, shaman, he has tied many different truths and realities, practiced for centuries into one effective tool, the LifeLine Technique. That person is Dr. Darren Weissman, author of "Infininte Love & Gratitude." My life changed when I met him. I now see life differently. My belief systems have changed and I now understand much more about how life and our universe really works. As such, I became a certified LifeLine practitioner. Using LifeLine and Infinite Love and Gratitude, I can work with you to help you to acheive that balance. Your body mind and spirit work together in your life to create your life.

There is no way I can explain how this all works and why in this forum. In a treatment session, the experience that you have and what comes up for you is unique to you. There is no counseling or discussions of the situations or things in your life that are causing you to feel unbalanced and unloved. Those situations remain in your head. You will not ever tell me details. They are your story and stay so.

I'm going to start by giving you some new truths. I would like to invite you to purchase Dr.
Weissman's book. Go to his website (www.infinitelove& Even if you choose not to I can work with you to help teach you how to transform your life.

I also invite you to go to Dr. Masuri Emoto's work with water. With his scientifically proven experiments, he has shown how our intentions can effect water molecules. The results are dramatic and will help you understand the power of the words we use and the energy we put our to those we interact with. It also helps you to understand how others have affected you in your experiences.

I am speaking my truth to you. I am not speaking from my ego. My spirit is talking with you here. I am speaking to you out of love. A love that knows that we are part of the oneness of the universe, we are all connected. We are all created of the same energy, we are part of the same energy. We are many parts, but are of the same body. We are part of the same spirit.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Welcome to a new beginning

Welcome to a new beginning. Each day is a new beginning for each of us. We are each on a journey. That journey is one of awakening and awareness. I want to share my journey with you. I also want to help you along your own journey. Each of us are unique and have our own stories and gifts. As we share our lives and energies, we allow and empower each other to grow.

I will challenge your belief systems, your dreams, your purpose for being here, where you are now and where you want to be. I will call you to define your passions and the vision you want to create for your future.

As I am going through this day, I have choices. I choose to step outside my comfort zone. That requires that I am honest with myself about my feelings, my insecurities, my weaknesses. It means that I choose not to let my feelings, insecurities and weaknesses control me. Ah, an old familiar pattern arises before me, my shadow, my ego. It has always told me I am not good enough, has taught me fear, taught me that I am not valuable. I recognize it now. But I know something now, that I have always known, but am just reconnecting with and remembering. That ego, is not me. It is who I have believed I was. It is fear.

Joy. I was created, we were all created from Love. A Love that is Pure. Connect to that power of Love. Connect to the creator, who is all loving, all knowing and all powerful. Breathe in the peace and goodness that is around you. Feel harmony and oneness with nature. Life is breathed into us. We choose whether we are going to live in fear, not believing in ourselves. Or we can choose to live our life from our own spirit and soul connected to the power and unlimited possibilities that are ours to enjoy if only we look within an feel and believe that we are love, we are loved and we are called to love one another.

I choose Love. I choose to believe that I am Love. In that identification I find oneness, peace and purity. I am Love. I am pure love. So, too, my friend, are you. You are created in love. You are loved. You are here to love. You are here to live from your spirit, your soul, not from your hurt and your pain. You can release the hurt, pain, anger and fear. Journey with me. Let me help you along your journey.