Thursday, August 27, 2009

Welcome to a new beginning

Welcome to a new beginning. Each day is a new beginning for each of us. We are each on a journey. That journey is one of awakening and awareness. I want to share my journey with you. I also want to help you along your own journey. Each of us are unique and have our own stories and gifts. As we share our lives and energies, we allow and empower each other to grow.

I will challenge your belief systems, your dreams, your purpose for being here, where you are now and where you want to be. I will call you to define your passions and the vision you want to create for your future.

As I am going through this day, I have choices. I choose to step outside my comfort zone. That requires that I am honest with myself about my feelings, my insecurities, my weaknesses. It means that I choose not to let my feelings, insecurities and weaknesses control me. Ah, an old familiar pattern arises before me, my shadow, my ego. It has always told me I am not good enough, has taught me fear, taught me that I am not valuable. I recognize it now. But I know something now, that I have always known, but am just reconnecting with and remembering. That ego, is not me. It is who I have believed I was. It is fear.

Joy. I was created, we were all created from Love. A Love that is Pure. Connect to that power of Love. Connect to the creator, who is all loving, all knowing and all powerful. Breathe in the peace and goodness that is around you. Feel harmony and oneness with nature. Life is breathed into us. We choose whether we are going to live in fear, not believing in ourselves. Or we can choose to live our life from our own spirit and soul connected to the power and unlimited possibilities that are ours to enjoy if only we look within an feel and believe that we are love, we are loved and we are called to love one another.

I choose Love. I choose to believe that I am Love. In that identification I find oneness, peace and purity. I am Love. I am pure love. So, too, my friend, are you. You are created in love. You are loved. You are here to love. You are here to live from your spirit, your soul, not from your hurt and your pain. You can release the hurt, pain, anger and fear. Journey with me. Let me help you along your journey.


  1. This made interesting reading!

  2. I enjoyed reading your blog. Please visit mine. I have had lots of new beginnings.
