Friday, October 2, 2009

Mirror, Mirror on the Wall

When I look into the mirror, what I usually see is not what is on the outside but what is on the inside. What is on the inside is a reflection of what I am feeling. What I am feeling is often directly related to what others are reflecting back to me. However what others reflect to us is filtered through our perception of what is really there. (What others see and do is not always how we see what they are doing and perceiving.) We judge and perceive. It is these judgments and perceptions that are usually clouding the truth that allows us to see pure love. Pure love is all that is true. All else is our illusion and distortion of the truth. When we have that muddled reflection it is hard to believe there is a higher truth and that Love is really there for us.

I had a day like that yesterday. I knew, the messages I was receiving were false. I knew that it was my perception that needed to change. As I went through the day, I allowed it to be. I did not like what I was seeing, which is good, because that means that I want something more. Anytime we don't feel positive and great it means that we want and are ready to change. We may not always know how to make that change and the perception that we are stuck or victims keeps us trapped and unhappy.

Yesterday, I needed to listen and to my emotions. Let me try to explain. I am constantly raising my own consciousness to a higher level. I do not want to live any other way than in peace and love. However, by setting that standard, I am often faced with feelings that are inconsistent with peace and love. Annoyed, frustrated, angry, overwhelmed, disappointed, used and the list can go on and on. What I needed was a day to just be human and to be okay with whatever came my way. A day free of judgement, of analysis, of thought. What I mostly felt was tired. I was tired of working so hard. I felt numb. I was glad to go to sleep last night, I needed the rest.

So today, I realize that it is okay that what I see in the mirror does not adequately reflect my true inner self. My LifeLine session was one on forgiveness and acceptance of the "dance of life". The dance reflects where I have been which is the building blocks of my current state of health. It is reflecting what I need to learn and to grow. I have choice in the present moment which shows me the opportunities before me and challenges me to adequately reflect my true inner self. At the end of my session I felt joy at the awesome experience of life and a future of freedom, peace and love.

It is truly a journey. We may all become saints, princes and princesses one day. But the only way to become that is to love who we are so much that it is reflected in each and every action, word and thought that make us who we are. Then and only then are the emotions of annoyed, frustrated, angry, overwhelmed, etc. not even recognized in our perceptions. The blessings are in disguise and the silver lining here is that these very emotions that we judge unwanted are the same ones that teach and challenge us to be their polar opposite. We do not like them because they really do not resonate with our truth and heart's desire which is pure love. Did you really hear that? Those emotions are not really you and that is why they bother you and why you want to get rid of them.

So, as you look into the mirror today, who do you see. More importantly, do you wish to see past your perceptions, through the emotions and find the blessings hiding there for you. You must choose the journey to rise above these emotions and to choose love. Love of yourself. This is what all healing is about.

The reflections in the mirror show the choice between living in love and being connected to Source which is Pure Love or to living in fear and pain.

I work with others to help them to unlock their full potential and why they may not be feeling love and joy in each and every moment. This is not counseling or life coaching. I work with the subconscious and emotions of the body, mind and spirit. Your story and personal information is not shared. That remains yours. You will identify emotions and connect to them but will not need to tell me what situation is behind the emotion. It is possible and well within reach to release trapped emotions that are draining your energy. LifeLine finds the root causes of those emotions at a subconscious level, which means you are not now consciously aware of why they are there. The journey for each of us is unique. The journey is our life and how we choose to live it. To begin your LifeLine journey of transformation contact me:

I have payment plans and packages available.

Infinite Love & Gratitude!
Certified LifeLine Practitioner
www.infinitelove& (under construction)

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