Tuesday, September 15, 2009

"The Cause", Choosing Love & Healing


I just got back from facilitating a training seminar on the LifeLine Technique. It was, as always, transforming.

About a week ago, I watched a u-tube video titled "The Cause". I would recommend watching it, but like many things in our lives it is scary, challenging and painful. It is hard to watch, because of the sad story and reality of what happened and happens too often in life. We inflict pain on others. But it is our pain, our internal pain, that we have not known how to deal with that is the root cause of our acting out in unhealthy ways. These cycles of pain are in each of our lives, just to different degrees. On this weekend, the anger and sadness became very real as I really internalized why these emotions and my own purpose, passion and vision are so strong within me.

As I did so, I began to feel compassion and empathy for the perpetrators. I had done this before, but this time I felt a personal responsibility to help. Anger and judgement do not solve problems and do not heal. Many people find themselves in situations which they are unprepared for. Hurt, anger, sadness, depression, anxiety, withdrawal, denial or many other emotions may surface as a result. Often they do not have the ability to deal with the emotions, neither do or did their parents have the support systems to deal with the fear and pain. So they did what most people used to do. They ignored the situation trying to deny and forget what happened. They pretended it did not happen. But they were wearing a mask on the outside. Inside the pain remains.

Our lives are based on energy. Everything that happens to us affects us on an energetic level. When we bury, hide or run away from something in our life that is painful or fearful it gets buried in our subconscious mind. It then comes out as emotions that are stuck in our energy level. They can manifest into physical symptoms and disease if not dealt with.

I have been dancing around the real issues until now. Change is not something we can randomly choose. We must make a conscious, responsible decision to grow up. It is not easy. But our children, our families, our communities deserve to be happy, healthy and full of love and joy. More importantly we each deserve to feel that self love to such a degree that we are overwhelmingly full of joy and happiness. When are you going to choose love over fear and settling for less than your real truth and potential?

Most of us have been brought up to believe that we are not worthy of happiness. We have limiting beliefs and have accepted lives that are less than they should be because we are living out of fear. We cannot imagine a life where we are living our full purpose and joy. Most of us do not have role models that believe that either.

We are capable of sooo much joy and happiness. Life is FULL of potential. The possibilities are endless. No matter what is happening in your life that is not what you want it to be, you can choose to change.

It is easy to judge, blame and lash out at perpetrators. But within each of us is a perpetrator on some level, an inner child that did not get the love it needed. But that inner child can still, regardless of the age, deal with the past and choose to live in the present. A present that is happy, fulfilling and beyond measure in love.

Baby Kelsey from this video deserves for us to honor her memory by the precious life. Many others who live in spirit remind us to choose love and learn to love ourselves and heal anything that is not bringing us joy in life. They have taught me the importance and power of forgiveness and compassion. We are all created from a Divine Loving Universal Energy of Love.

My purpose, passion and vision is to allow others to heal from their fear, pain, stress & challenges. Do not accept second best. LIFE is AMAZING. Choose to live your life with passion and purpose.

My training and the new belief system you will awaken too will empower you to live a more fulfilling life, regardless of the issues you are experiencing. Even if you have financial issues, career issues, weight issues, I can help you.

Infinite Love & Gratitude!

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